Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Not Dead Yet

As the six or seven of you who read my blog know already, I am still alive. I am reading, watching, writing, and thinking--I just haven't really had the time to post like I used to. One thing, though: Tina Fey won the Mark Twain prize for American Humor. PBS broadcast the award show on Sunday night. I've been watching this award show almost since it began, and this year is tied with Carlin's year for my favorite. Fey is stellar. The show featured my favorite work of hers over the years--the sketches I never forgot. And, while not technically a roast, her friends delivered some good laughs. Betty White had some decent zingers. Carell and Baldwin had the funniest segments (although, it was funny to see the audience shocked and confused by Krakowski's "Muffin Top" number). Cheers to Fey. The whole episode is here. Baldwin's Twain is here. Fey's magnificent, sharp, and funny acceptance speech is here--Palin jokes and all.

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