Monday, December 6, 2010

Custom made furniture by Craftwork in Philadelphia

I am using this post to celebrate Jayme Goukas and his woodworking abilities. Here's the story.

When my wife and I moved into our house a few months back we had a difficult time finding a simple corner television stand for our living room. Our place was built in the 40s, and although it's a three bedroom place, all of the rooms are sized for a simpler time--a time when we knew what was enough. Today's furniture is designed for humongous rooms. We searched and searched. In those rare cases when we did find a piece that was sized right, it was usually made of cancer-causing mdf, or it just looked like hell. I knew we had to get something custom-made.

At the recommendation of my brilliant brother, I contacted Jayme Goukas of Craftwork. A few emails went back-and-forth, and five weeks later a custom television cabinet was delivered. Yes, it was slightly more expensive than most (but not all) pieces we saw online or in-store, but it was worth it. I paid what I thought was a very fair price for expert craftsmanship, good materials, timely service, and a piece that exceeded my expectations for that pesky corner of my living room. In short, thanks to Goukas, I'm not sure I will ever buy a piece of store bought furniture again.

Okay, I'm afraid I might start sounding like a bourgeois prick. In short:
Custom-made stuff rocks.
Support local or regional artisans.
And when it comes to furniture or kitchens, make that artisan Jayme Goukas.

Oh, and yes, thanks for asking, the Superbowl and Oscars are at my house this year.

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