Sunday, March 29, 2015

The one where I tell you about poet Jill Khoury

My email gets backed-logged. If you know me personally, you know this truth. Then, some mornings, I sit down with a big mug of coffee and commit to reading every email. That's when I discover wonderful news buried in the bottom of a weekly newsletter from a company I often ignore (but shouldn't). One name among a list of recently published poets: Jill Khoury. The very cool Jill Khoury has had some poems accepted in the past week.

Who is Jill Khoury you ask? She's an old acquaintance of mine from college. Her words always carried a directness that I appreciated. She didn't take shit, yet she was kind enough to spend time listening to me jabber on those few times she was unlucky enough to run into me during my more desperate days. I've been watching her work appear here and there for the past few years, and I am excited to see her read in Minneapolis for AWP. Look for her work soon in Portland Review, Quaint, and SiDEKiCK. Look for her first full-length collection from Sundress Publications in 2016.

Sundress has a bio for Khoury on their authors page.

Here's her organized and helpful website.

These posts at Stephanae V. McCoy's Bold Blind Beauty impress me with their truth and honesty.

But what about the poems? That's the best part. Try these here and here -- and I enjoy this amusing one here.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, thanks for the links. Love the blog, you should post more frequently!
